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Meal Plan for Weight Loss: 7 Tips for Beginner’s

Meal Plan for Weight Loss: 7 Tips for Beginner’s

Reading Time: 14 minutesI used to believe that creating a meal plan for weight loss was a horrendous experience of giving up your favourite food, never going to another restaurant, and only reserved for the strongest of willpower. Years ago, I really struggled to get into shape and, like most people, believed that I had to “eat clean to get lean” …

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The Best Beginner Workout Routine (Updated 2024)

The Best Beginner Workout Routine (Updated 2024)

Reading Time: 14 minutesIn this article, I’m going to cut through the confusion that I went through as an ordinary guy trying to figure out the best beginner workout routine. Over the years, I’ve tried many different types of training programs from bodybuilding magazines and other “gurus” — only to look the same and feeling more disheartened.

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The Best Six Pack Abs Guide (Updated 2024)

The Best Six Pack Abs Guide (Updated 2024)

Reading Time: 13 minutesWhen I finally achieved the six pack abs that I had always dreamed of — I felt like I could tick it off my “fitness bucket list.” Not only is it considered the epitome of a fitness transformation, it is a visual representation of all the hard work and dedication you’ve put into your training.

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I’m Brad.

For my entire 20s, I was a very sick and out of shape guy that struggled with getting into shape. After years of yo-yo dieting and negative self-belief, I made it a mission to figure out how to get into the best shape of my life.

I’m just an ordinary guy that enjoys helping guys get shredded, build muscle, and get stronger.

Are you ready to start your transformation?

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